#!/bin/bash exists() { command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 } if exists curl; then echo '' else sudo apt install curl -y < "/dev/null" fi curl -s https://api.nodes.guru/logo.sh | bash && sleep 2 sudo apt update && sudo apt install git -y systemctl stop aptosd cd $HOME cp -r $HOME/.aptos $HOME/aptos_$(date +%s) rm -rf /opt/aptos/data/* rm -rf aptos-core git clone https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core.git cd aptos-core git checkout 83641d3f083762f31700060e5e95fbb1cbc28bf0 source ~/.cargo/env cargo build -p aptos-node --release sleep 2 mv ~/aptos-core/target/release/aptos-node /usr/local/bin cp ~/aptos-core/config/src/config/test_data/public_full_node.yaml ~/.aptos/config/fullnode.yaml wget -q -O $HOME/.aptos/config/genesis.blob https://devnet.aptoslabs.com/genesis.blob wget -q -O $HOME/.aptos/config/waypoint.txt https://devnet.aptoslabs.com/waypoint.txt sleep 2 sed -i.bak -e "s/" $HOME/.aptos/config/fullnode.yaml sed -i "s|genesis_file_location: .*|genesis_file_location: \"$HOME/.aptos/config/genesis.blob\"|" $HOME/.aptos/config/fullnode.yaml sed -i "s|from_file: .*|from_file: \"$HOME/.aptos/config/waypoint.txt\"|" $HOME/.aptos/config/fullnode.yaml sudo systemctl restart aptosd echo "===================================================" echo -e '\n\e[42mCheck node status\e[0m\n' && sleep 1 if [[ `service aptosd status | grep active` =~ "running" ]]; then echo -e "Your Aptos node \e[32mupdated and works\e[39m!" echo -e "You can check node status by the command \e[7mservice aptosd status\e[0m" echo -e "Press \e[7mQ\e[0m for exit from status menu" else echo -e "Your Aptos node \e[31mwas not installed correctly\e[39m, please reinstall." fi